Utility broadband is an important topic in the industry, and questions surrounding the rollout and adoption, among other aspects of the technology, are at the forefront of many minds in the utility industry. Maybe none more so than the Boards of Directors at utility cooperatives across the country.
At the recent NRECA Directors Conference in Las Vegas, Nev., Members of cooperative Boards across the country had a chance to learn more about utility broadband and understand the impact of the latest disruptive technology to the industry.
NISC vice president of Member & Industry, Jasper Schneider, hosted a panel discussion with Board members from three NISC cooperatives. Gerry Bundle of Midwest Energy & Communications in Cassopolis, Mich., Gene Eulinger of Co-Mo Electric Cooperative in Tipton, Mo., and John Gavan of Delta-Montrose Electric in Montrose, Colo., joined Jasper for a panel discussion providing fellow directors with their experiences rolling out broadband and some key takeaways including the importance of a solid software solution for provisioning hardware, marketing the new products and more.
Take a look at the video above to listen to the panel discussion and check out some of the accompanying presentation materials.