The Path to PCI Compliance – The PCI Requirements Welcome back to the Path to PCI Compliance. In part one of this series we outlined the very high-level path for attaining and maintaining PCI compliance. With that in mind, let’s […]
Though NISC has always aimed to have a small-company feel, it’s no doubt that we are growing, and our Membership is growing as well. Though each of our four offices are based in the midwestern United States, we represent Members […]
Hello and welcome to the first in a five-part series of blog posts on the topic of PCI-DSS. PCI-DSS is the shorthand for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, which is a set of standard security practices put in place […]
NISC works closely with the American Public Power Association (APPA) in effort to continually establish our branding, as well as to gain exposure in Growth Markets. Part of our efforts include providing Member featured articles for publication that are industry […]
As NISC celebrates 50 years, we celebrate the people who built us – our Members and employees. In that same spirit, it is new minds, ideas and innovations that will usher us into the next 50 years. To commemorate our […]
Each spring, Arbor Day is observed annually to celebrate trees and encourage tree planting. Many communities around the world gather on this day to plant trees and take care of their parks. At the Arbor Day celebration in the new […]
Utility broadband is an important topic in the industry, and questions surrounding the rollout and adoption, among other aspects of the technology, are at the forefront of many minds in the utility industry. Maybe none more so than the Boards […]
Technology and data are touching all aspects of today’s utility. More than ever, engineering professionals are turning to data to make informed decisions that have significant implications for their systems. NISC is excited to launch NISC Operations Analytics (OA), an […]
While there is a lot that happens at NISC’s annual Member Information Conference (MIC) each year, the heart of the conference is really one thing: solutions. Whether it’s learning about the latest NISC innovations from NISC staff or hearing from […]
The focus of NISC goes beyond just protecting the Member data that is entrusted to us. In the spirit of being a true technology partner, NISC now offers Cybersecurity Services to our Members, leveraging the best practices as well as […]
It was a whirlwind week as NISC descended upon two major cities for NRECA’s TechAdvantage Conference in Nashville, Tenn., and NTCA’s RTIME Conference in Austin, Texas. We hosted two Annual Meetings in the span of just over 24 hours and […]
A technology cooperative reaching 50 years is an accomplishment that not only requires commitment and hard work, but the support and help of others along the way. To recognize and give back to the industries that helped NISC hit this […]