Electing board directors is an important process for NISC Members. More importantly, ensuring your customers can vote, and vote safely is critical. Since 2016, NISC Members have been able to provide online balloting through SmartHub via the web, helping to simplify the director election process.
Now, this process has become even easier. Through a partnership with Diamond Communication Solutions, an OSG company, NISC Members will have the ability to allow their members and customers to vote not only through the web, but through the SmartHub app on their mobile device.
“This is something our Members have been requesting, and something that has become an even higher priority this year,” said David Bonnett, NISC vice president of product management. “Nothing in 2020 has been conventional, and many of our Members have had to shift more of their business virtual, and that includes conducting director elections. With our Diamond partnership, our Members will be able to simplify that process even more and add additional efficiency for their customers.”
Providing an online voting component is not only convenient, but essential. Many NISC Members have moved to fully online or even drive-in Annual Meetings, and having an online voting component can help increase participation by simplifying the balloting process while keeping it secure.
“We are excited to partner with NISC and its Members,” said Dan Tobin, Senior Vice President of OSG. “Diamond has demonstrated a proven track record in the Trustee Election Management Services space over the last 10 years. Since Diamond was recently acquired by OSG, we can offer maximum value by leveraging technology and improving efficiencies that enable NISC Members to thrive.”